Let's Talk! (203) 212-8988
There are two main types of bail bonds: secure and unsecure. Prior to seeking professional bail bonds assistance, it can be very beneficial to understand the difference between the two. At Griffith Bailbonds, we believe that every individual should have a basic understanding of bail bond types before seeking help.
The following outlines each type of bond:
Secure Bail Bond: A secure bond is one in which the defendant or person posting bail secures a cash deposit to ensure their appearance back in court for all hearings and trial dates. If the defendant fails to appear, the court keeps this cash deposit as compensation for having to pay more money and effort into locating that person.
Unsecured Bail Bond: An unsecured bond is one in which the defendant posts a money (cash) amount, but such obligation does not require any collateral deposit. The person posting this type of bail bond is only responsible to pay back the entire bail amount if they fail to appear for all scheduled hearings and trial dates.
While each type of bond has its own benefits and risks, it is ultimately up to the judge to decide which is most prudent for your situation. A secure bond might be best if you are at risk of not appearing for arraignment, pretrial examination or trial; whereas an unsecured bond might be ideal if you feel that there is a low risk of not appearing in court.
At Griffith Bailbonds, we believe it is important to have a foundational understanding of both types of bonds prior to choosing which is best for you and your loved one's situation. If you are having trouble coming up with bail, contact our professional staff today. We would be happy to guide you!
For more information about secured vs. unsecured bail bonds or to schedule an appointment, call us at (203) 212-8988 or visit our contact page.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, call us at (203) 212-8988 or click the button below to contact us online.
This is the only place that would answer the my call. They were very friendly, thorough and quick to do our Waterbury Bail Bonds. Thank you.
— Iris C.
I needed to post a bond. And they were there to help me every step the way. Quick and extremely professional.
— Sonny C.
For more information about bail bonds service, call us at (203) 212-8988 or fill out the form below.
Griffith Bailbonds
Griffith Bailbonds